Please Donate Today!

Help us provide high-quality refurbished computers and high-speed internet service to low-income individuals and nonprofit organizations across the Puget Sound, Washington, and the U.S.

Your donation will allow us to expand our charitable programs, further our community outreach, and continue advocating for Digital Access and Equity.

Thank you for helping to Bridge the Digital Divide!

Looking to donate old tech?

We accept old TVs, Laptops, Desktops, Monitors, Printers, Video Game Consoles, Servers, Components, and more!

For a full list of accepted items, and more information about how to donate goods to InterConnection, please visit: InterConnection.Org/Recycle

InterConnection is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization  (EIN#93-1262843). Donations are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law.
Thank you for donating to InterConnection!